Get ready to book those tickets to Japan – if and when we get to travel, but let’s just put that aside for a moment and think happy thoughts.
Aforementioned reason for happiness: Universal Studios Japan today announced that its long-awaited Super Nintendo World area will finally open to the public on February 4, 2021. Now can somebody invent a Power Up that makes us Covid-19 immune?

I mean just look at Bowser’s Castle. This is quite the re-creation from the virtual world to the real world, and the scale of it is simply ominously magnificent. I’ve never really taken Bowser seriously as a game villain but he looks terrifying here.

The most anticipated ride at the new park is probably Mario Kart: Koopa’s Challenge, and boy, does it look DOPE.

Visitors get to be in the driver’s seat for a mixed reality experience that incorporates Augmented Reality (AR) – not unlike the Switch’s version of the Mario Kart Home Circuit- as well as projection mapping effects. You do have to wear a special headset with the AR screen but I’ll put on Mario’s plumber suit if I have to, quite frankly.
Making it on opening day is out of question certainly but perhaps the borders will open up towards spring next year? Till then, we just have to make do rewatching this teaser trailer over and over again.