Ah, the good ole’ days of button mashing at the machines, as you try to pull-off a 99 hit combo with Wolverine in Marvel vs Capcom 2. Well, the same joy of co-op play that you enjoyed back in the day is now reimagined for a new generation with Minecraft Dungeons Arcade, launching exclusively at Timezone Vivocity.

Timezone is the first in Singapore and Southeast Asia to introduce this epic, action-packed adaption of the popular console and computer game, Minecraft Dungeons, a multiplayer “dungeon crawler” set within the Minecraft universe.
What really stood out was the multi-player aspect of the gameplay – Minecraft Dungeons Arcade ($3.50 per play) allows up to 4 players to fight off evil mobs side by side, across nine unique universes such as “Squid Coast”, “Desert Temple” and more.

We brought the kids down for the media preview and they had an absolute blast playing alongside each other. No mean feat considering their ages range from 7 all the way to 13! (It’s 7, 9, 12 and 13, for the record).

(P.S Check out Gen X Singapore’s Instagram stories for more snapshots of the gameplay experience.)
Another thing that was really cool was that with every play, the game will issue one of 60 collectible cards. These are physical cards which allows you to customise your character with weapons, pets, skins, and items.
These are great for some offline play beyond the arcade experience- make up your own rules, and you’re good to go.

Timezone VivoCity is located at #02-43 at VivoCity Singapore. Planned Operating Hours (starting from 21 June 2021) are as follows
- • Monday to Thursday: 11am-10pm
- • Friday and PH Eve: 11am – Midnight
- • Saturday: 10am – Midnight
- • Sunday, PH and School Holidays: 10am-10pm